Pamela Anderson moves seal campaign to China

April 12, 2011 | Comments 1

Pamela Anderson is hoping Beijing will listen to her plea: ban seal meat from her native Canada.

The former Playmate and Baywatch star has sent a letter to Xu Shaoshi, minister of land and resources, inviting him to join her witness the cruelty of the annual seal slaughter.

“Please don’t allow China to become a dumping ground for seal meat and oil products that even Canadians don’t want…If you witnessed this massacre, I’m sure that you’d have a change of heart about importing seal products into China.” she said.

Canada and China reached a deal this year on imports of seal products after a ban by the European Union.

Pamela’s campaign is not a passing fancy – she is a prominent animal rights activist.

She has also called on India’s top medical institute to retire old monkeys used in scientific research, and has urged Israel’s ultra-orthodox Jews to abandon their traditional fur hats.

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  1. george mccuistion says:

    i think you are the most beautiful woman in the world and have thought that most of my life since we are about the same age . i also think the charity work you do is beyond what most people would do you are a very special person and please dont ever change no matter what anybody else says you take care pam and just be you may god bless us all your friend george
