Pamela Anderson sues her real estate tycoon ex-boyfriend for $1m

February 12, 2011 | Comments 2

Pamela Anderson has filed a lawsuit against an ex-boyfriend for not following through on an agreement the two made whilst dating.

According to court documents, Laurence Hallier, a real estate tycoon who dated Pamela back in 2006, promised her a condominium in a new Las Vegas development he invested in.

In return she would help publicise the luxury building – The Panorama Towers.

Pamela claimed he told her that if the development was delayed in anyway she would be given $1million in cash and when the project fell behind, she never received her payment.

Pamela filed a federal lawsuit this week with the Los Angeles Superior Court asking for the $1million fee to be paid.

The couple are said to have dated on and off for several years, finally ending their fling last year.

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  1. rinku says:

    pamela your big boob is so sexy & i see your overall feiger
    i do sex with you so tell me pamela give me this only one time………….

  2. mati says:

